New Novel Update

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I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve completed the first draft of my latest novel. I typically write a new novel at least once per year, normally between January and April, having done the hard work of research, preparing character profiles, chapter outlines, and so forth, during the late summer months to around November of the previous year. It’s always a great feeling when I’m able to draw a proper line under the first draft.

What’s it called?

I’m keeping the real title a secret for now, but the working title was False Witness. I didn’t want to use that as a real title, considering how many published novels are entitled False Witness. Finding a unique title is very difficult these days and involves a lot of googling about to make sure it hasn’t already been used. Most titles cannot be copyrighted, so in one sense it doesn’t matter, but at the same time, it makes discoverability of my work all the trickier if I don’t come up with something entirely original.

What’s it about?

At the moment, the story is under wraps, suffice it to say, the 93,000-word manuscript is a nail-biting mystery thriller involving a prank that goes wrong. It also concerns a dark secret in the protagonist’s past that comes back to haunt her present. Yes, I know the latter statement could apply to just about any of my mystery thriller novels, but I’m keeping plot descriptions deliberately vague for now. I will add that this particular dark secret is unlike any I’ve written about previously, and it definitely ranks among the darkest of dark secrets hidden by my protagonists.

When can I read it?

Not for at least two years, alas. Why? Well, after completing a first draft, I generally put it aside for twelve months so I can approach the second draft with fresh eyes. In the meantime, I am about to start shaping the second draft of the novel I wrote this time last year; another gripping mystery thriller. With any luck, this time next year, agents and publishers will be mulling it over, and hopefully saying yes. That’s assuming they don’t first say yes to The Hobbford Giant, yet another horror-thriller mystery currently under consideration. If I get no bites, I expect that one will be self-published sometime in the autumn.

In the meantime, I have an equally exciting publication announcement coming soon, so watch this space.

3 thoughts on “New Novel Update

    • In all fairness, I’m writing full time, and have a brain full of voices that pretty much hold me at gunpoint until I put them on paper. I don’t really feel I have much of a choice. Still fun though. 🙂

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